Monday, November 5, 2007

"Dear children! God sent me among you out of love that I may lead you towards the way of salvation. Many of you opened your hearts and accepted my messages, but many have become lost on this way and have never come to know the God of love with the fullness of heart. Therefore, I call you to be love and light where there is darkness and sin. I am with you and bless you all. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Dear Prayer Family,Once again, the Queen of Peace explains to us in her message the goal of her apparitions. The ultimate goal and source is the love of God, which sent the Mother to us to lead us towards salvation. Salvation is a grace and a call to which we need to respond. We can either accept or reject it. God has an immeasurable respect for man whom He created in His own image. He always respects his freedom and his free will. According to our decision, we are then rewarded or rejected.This is why we have the great men, our saints, who even in the most difficult moments or situations knew how to respond to God's call and to His will. They knew how to persevere on that way despite frequent and difficult trials. Everything God did or said is out of love. When we look at the Cross, that greatest sign is only out of love - the death and reconciliation with the Father are only out of love. When we look at the Church, the Sacraments, the Revelation, and people who are happy, all of this is out of love. All creation that gives glory to God is a fruit of that immeasurable love of God. Salvation is the meaning of the Incarnation and the goal of the life of Our Savior, of His preaching, and of His works. All of that is only love and out of love.This message so clearly speaks to me about different kinds of people - about those that have accepted Our Lady's apparitions and messages and those who have rejected all of them or have not recognized them at all. When the Mother tells us that many have opened their hearts and accepted her messages, we recognize and hear her speaking directly to us. She is speaking to our Prayer Community and Family of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Saint Elizabeth. It is not easy to have an open heart to our Mother and her messages.The opening of our hearts is much more than a pilgrimage in which we fulfill our promises. There is no alternative to the opening of our hearts. With the help of God, we have decided to open our hearts to her every message and to live it. Our Lady's messages leave us free, but she continuously urges us to live them. How immeasurably important it is to put every message into practice. The one who lives the messages is not disposed to debating about the messages and the apparitions - instead he strives to bear all the more abundant fruit.Without us, Our Lady cannot realize her programs and plans. For this reason, everyone is important. To respond to the call and to live the messages today is similar to a life of a religious community which has its vows, its goals, and its mission. To fulfill this, all the gifts and means are used as a source of grace, helping in the realization of that goal. Our prayer group has set out to follow Our Lady so that, at any cost, with our life and our heart, we can accept the message in today's world. The fruits are immeasurable. They are daily conversions. Especially this year, there has been a great multitude of Croatian pilgrims who, like the prodigal son, have set out to return to the Father. How many pilgrims are new, coming for the first time! In my heart, I don't see them as being late, but as standing before the same responsibility and call of the Mother to start to live what the Mother is saying today and now. There must be those who pray the Rosary and the Novenas. There must be those who fast for all the pilgrims, like we do, so that they can hear the message and respond to it. There must be those, who with their prayers, accompany the conversions, the confessors, and the confessions, so that every penitent may remove the old self and be clothed in the new- so that every penitent can return joyful to his family and community. Once again, we are called to be love and light to all those who have been overcome by darkness and sin. Imagine how cunningly Satan used a plastic Rosary as a target, saying that it has evil signs. Dear brothers and sisters, I am obliged to tell you the complete truth about this. Satanic signs and symbols exist. Those who belong to him and to his projects exist. His goal is always to destroy prayer and everything that is from God. There is no satanic Rosary or a factory that makes satanic Rosaries. Every Rosary that is blessed receives a blessing and becomes a certain sign in the hands of one who prays it. The right question in prayer is 'how we pray' and not on 'what kind of a Rosary we pray on or what material it is made of.'The Chalice, the vestments for Mass, the Church, and the Altar all must be blessed and consecrated because they are to serve only God and His programs. A consecrated and blessed object can be abused, just like a blessed Rosary can. You must not have fear or doubt. Every blessed Rosary is a call to prayer and a means in our hand which we use in prayer. Through some, Satan succeeded in focusing the discussion on the type of a Rosary in order to stop people from praying and to confuse the faithful. Do not be afraid. Do not throw away the Rosaries that you received in Medjugorje which have been blessed for prayer. Our Lady often calls us to have a blessed object or sign with us. The Rosary is a sign of your faith and your reliance on God. It is a sign of your prayer and love for Our Lady. Do not permit the enemy to disturb you. You just pray. Be a sign to those who have not come to know the God of love.Our Lady says that many have become lost on the way of faith and love and have never come to know God. Why is this? It is in the nature of man to seek love, to be loved and to love. How is it that there are those who have not come to know the God of love? God is not a theory, a shallow discussion, or a fruitless study. We do not come to know vain thoughts of God. God became man. The one who does not love man can never love God. The one who does not love and accept Jesus, His teaching and His Church can never come to know the God of love. So many religions are full of fear and uncertainty. They have never received confirmation from God of their way. Your faith has, and your Church is your certainty. Therefore, you help the pagans of today to find God. Some have rejected Medjugorje without observing the fruits and the graces. Why? Many try to cover up their fear, weakness, and poverty of arrogance in various ways and through various excuses - such as waiting for the final decision of the Church. Others find the excuse that they are not obliged to believe private revelations. Our Lady does not analyze the weaknesses which have closed the hearts of many. She just says that many have become lost on this way and have never come to know the God of love with their heart. She calls us to be the love and the light where there is darkness and sin.