( Photo taken from http://www.childrenofmedjugorje.org.uk/com50/sharing.shtml)
“Dear children! Today, when you celebrate Christ, the King of all that is created, I desire for Him to be the King of your lives. Only through giving, little children, can you comprehend the gift of Jesus´ sacrifice on the Cross for each of you. Little children, give time to God that He may transform you and fill you with His grace, so that you may be a grace for others. For you, little children, I am a gift of grace and love, which comes from God for this peaceless world. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
~ Message of November 25, 2007
My dear brothers and sisters,I invite you to profoundly immerse with me into this message which, atfirst sight, seems simple and seems to us that we have understood it.However, it is very demanding and encompassing because it embraces theessence of the Gospel and the fundamental existence of an individualand of the Church. Namely, it is necessary to awaken faith in Jesus,who is the King of all that is created. The almighty Word of Godcreated everything and then became Man. All Creation is redeemed. “InHim we have the redemption, the forgiveness of sins…by him all thingswere created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible…all thingswere created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in himall things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the Church;he is the beginning and the first born from among the dead, so that ineverything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have allhis fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself allthings, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peacethrough his blood shed on the cross.” {Col 114-20)Yes, as a Christian I know who my Creator is. I know who my Redeemer is, and to whom I belong. Therefore, Christ the King, by His power andDivine Love destroys all idols and false friends and redeemers. I knowthat He alone is my God and my all. I know that my heart will never beat rest or at peace if it does not rest in Him. For this reason, mylife will serve Him alone, and for Him alone my soul shall live. Forthis reason, I have only one longing – to completely give myself to Himand to belong to Him. He has shown His love by His sacrifice andcomplete self-giving; by His surrender for my peace, my salvation andmy eternal life. With all of my being I desire to enter into the very core of that Loveand to respond to the greatest challenge of love. How am I to do this?It is through my surrender. Our Lady tells us that only through givingwill we be able to comprehend the gift of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Crossfor each of us. Yes, we are to respond to Love, with love. And there isno greater love than this - to give one’s life for one’s friends. OurLord says so simply, “You are my friends”. How are we then to respondto this grace with our life and how are we to live it? The Queen ofPeace tells us that it is through giving. Our giving is the beginningof this way of faith and love. She also tells us what it is that wehave to give, “ Little children, give time to God.” Today I must begin with the basic step: I must find time for God. Sooften we hear the most frequent and most empty excuse, “I don’t havetime.” The family is persecuted through television programs which areadvertised as offering something for everyone.After their successful and persevering manipulation we feel enslaved: Ihave to follow this or that program or series. Unnoticeably we becomeenslaved, glued to the television, the newspapers or the like.How are we to be freed form this bondage? By giving time to God. Myfirst step must begin with a firm resolution – to find time for prayer,to find time to listen to the Word of God and to find time to meet withHim alone, in the silence of my heart, in the Sacraments, in my crossand in my trials. Without giving this time to the Lord, today and everyday, without time spent with Him, I cannot advance in holiness. I willturn my faith into a debate, a criticism and an anguished calculationof how much I have served and invested as opposed to how much I havereceived or didn’t receive. This is not to be my way. This is not theway on which the Mother directs me today in this teaching and message.I desire to gaze at my King and to come to know Him. The shortest wayis for me to look at Him and listen to Him as He speaks to me from Histhrone, the Cross,.Yes, finally, I must understand that God is the One who can transformmy heart and my life. Finally, I must realize that He, and He alone,can fill my heart with grace - with Himself. That gift of grace willopen the eyes of my heart that I may see and discern love from blindselfishness; that I may come to know humility and distinguish it frommy arrogance; that I may come to know goodness and distinguish it frommy cunningness. Finally, led by the Holy Spirit , I come to discoverthat the Cross is my freedom, my way, my life, my peace and mystrength.The power of God’s love which never ceases flowing from the Cross willnot only transform and change me, it will enable me to fulfill thebasic assignment of the Church – to be an apostle for others and togive good example to all, consciously and with love.My dear brothers and sisters, I must admit with sincerity that OurLady’s statement from her message struck me deeply when she said, thatshe is a gift of grace and love, which comes to us from God for thispeaceless world. The most holy and humble Mother is not afraid to tellus the truth about her mission. She is a gift of grace, a gift for us.She does good to all. She brings God and His graces to us. She is theArk of the Covenant. She, who is full of grace, gives us the gift ofher presence and by her example inspires us to all that is good.She is a gift that cannot be earned. She and her love are simply a giftto us, poor sinners. That is why her life is Noah’s rainbow proclaimingthat there will not be another flood. She is a sign that life ispresent on earth. Yes, she is a sign that man has a blessing on thisearth; that he has grace and salvation. She is a sign that man willnever again be cursed because there is the gift of grace and love thatcomes from God. Not only does she give and bring God to us but she alsoleads us to God. Inasmuch as she is a gift and sign to all, she asksthat I too be a grace for others.This is the strength of a Christian. He is not just a pale sign or mereinformation about God, but is a bearer of grace to others. For thisreason the mission of the Church is close to us - to make all peopleHis disciples. This message is most dear and close to me. It is yet anotherinspiration to Christian action and witness of the Gospel. With thismessage we begin the time of Advent. This is a time of preparation andexpectation of our Lord Jesus. Let us strive to give our utmost to be agrace to others and an inspiration to all to seek the Lord. Christmasis more than a custom or a traditional solemnity with candles anddecorations. Christmas is the acceptance of the Lord and His Mother.This message knocks on our hearts as on the doors of Bethlehem whichremain closed to this very day. Let us open our hearts through, prayer,fasting, good works and holiness of life. Without Jesus there is noChristmas. Without His Mother there is no Christmas or His gifts. Letus open ourselves and others to those gifts.This month we will pray for the following intentions:1. For all our Christian families that in this Advent they may becomeopen to the Lord and His Mother through Dawn Masses, prayer, and the Sacraments. For all the families who are in conflict, who do notpray, and who do not live Christmas joy and hope.2. For all the Bishops and Priests. For all the missionaries and thosewho proclaim the Gospel to prepare the way to the Lord, and show itwith their lives.3. For the visionaries and for our Prayer Family scattered like theseed throughout so many countries and among so many nations – thatat this holy time they may bear rich fruit by living the messages ofthe Queen of Peace.Most beloved brothers and sisters, as I write these thoughts andreflect on these words of grace and inspiration from the message, Ipray for each of you, holding you in the great heart of the ImmaculateVirgin. May God’s grace and peace accompany you during these days. Ipray for each of you and send you my brotherly greetings as I recommendmyself to your prayers.
Most sincerely yours,Fr.Jozo Zovko, ofm.
~ Message of November 25, 2007
My dear brothers and sisters,I invite you to profoundly immerse with me into this message which, atfirst sight, seems simple and seems to us that we have understood it.However, it is very demanding and encompassing because it embraces theessence of the Gospel and the fundamental existence of an individualand of the Church. Namely, it is necessary to awaken faith in Jesus,who is the King of all that is created. The almighty Word of Godcreated everything and then became Man. All Creation is redeemed. “InHim we have the redemption, the forgiveness of sins…by him all thingswere created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible…all thingswere created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in himall things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the Church;he is the beginning and the first born from among the dead, so that ineverything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have allhis fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself allthings, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peacethrough his blood shed on the cross.” {Col 114-20)Yes, as a Christian I know who my Creator is. I know who my Redeemer is, and to whom I belong. Therefore, Christ the King, by His power andDivine Love destroys all idols and false friends and redeemers. I knowthat He alone is my God and my all. I know that my heart will never beat rest or at peace if it does not rest in Him. For this reason, mylife will serve Him alone, and for Him alone my soul shall live. Forthis reason, I have only one longing – to completely give myself to Himand to belong to Him. He has shown His love by His sacrifice andcomplete self-giving; by His surrender for my peace, my salvation andmy eternal life. With all of my being I desire to enter into the very core of that Loveand to respond to the greatest challenge of love. How am I to do this?It is through my surrender. Our Lady tells us that only through givingwill we be able to comprehend the gift of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Crossfor each of us. Yes, we are to respond to Love, with love. And there isno greater love than this - to give one’s life for one’s friends. OurLord says so simply, “You are my friends”. How are we then to respondto this grace with our life and how are we to live it? The Queen ofPeace tells us that it is through giving. Our giving is the beginningof this way of faith and love. She also tells us what it is that wehave to give, “ Little children, give time to God.” Today I must begin with the basic step: I must find time for God. Sooften we hear the most frequent and most empty excuse, “I don’t havetime.” The family is persecuted through television programs which areadvertised as offering something for everyone.After their successful and persevering manipulation we feel enslaved: Ihave to follow this or that program or series. Unnoticeably we becomeenslaved, glued to the television, the newspapers or the like.How are we to be freed form this bondage? By giving time to God. Myfirst step must begin with a firm resolution – to find time for prayer,to find time to listen to the Word of God and to find time to meet withHim alone, in the silence of my heart, in the Sacraments, in my crossand in my trials. Without giving this time to the Lord, today and everyday, without time spent with Him, I cannot advance in holiness. I willturn my faith into a debate, a criticism and an anguished calculationof how much I have served and invested as opposed to how much I havereceived or didn’t receive. This is not to be my way. This is not theway on which the Mother directs me today in this teaching and message.I desire to gaze at my King and to come to know Him. The shortest wayis for me to look at Him and listen to Him as He speaks to me from Histhrone, the Cross,.Yes, finally, I must understand that God is the One who can transformmy heart and my life. Finally, I must realize that He, and He alone,can fill my heart with grace - with Himself. That gift of grace willopen the eyes of my heart that I may see and discern love from blindselfishness; that I may come to know humility and distinguish it frommy arrogance; that I may come to know goodness and distinguish it frommy cunningness. Finally, led by the Holy Spirit , I come to discoverthat the Cross is my freedom, my way, my life, my peace and mystrength.The power of God’s love which never ceases flowing from the Cross willnot only transform and change me, it will enable me to fulfill thebasic assignment of the Church – to be an apostle for others and togive good example to all, consciously and with love.My dear brothers and sisters, I must admit with sincerity that OurLady’s statement from her message struck me deeply when she said, thatshe is a gift of grace and love, which comes to us from God for thispeaceless world. The most holy and humble Mother is not afraid to tellus the truth about her mission. She is a gift of grace, a gift for us.She does good to all. She brings God and His graces to us. She is theArk of the Covenant. She, who is full of grace, gives us the gift ofher presence and by her example inspires us to all that is good.She is a gift that cannot be earned. She and her love are simply a giftto us, poor sinners. That is why her life is Noah’s rainbow proclaimingthat there will not be another flood. She is a sign that life ispresent on earth. Yes, she is a sign that man has a blessing on thisearth; that he has grace and salvation. She is a sign that man willnever again be cursed because there is the gift of grace and love thatcomes from God. Not only does she give and bring God to us but she alsoleads us to God. Inasmuch as she is a gift and sign to all, she asksthat I too be a grace for others.This is the strength of a Christian. He is not just a pale sign or mereinformation about God, but is a bearer of grace to others. For thisreason the mission of the Church is close to us - to make all peopleHis disciples. This message is most dear and close to me. It is yet anotherinspiration to Christian action and witness of the Gospel. With thismessage we begin the time of Advent. This is a time of preparation andexpectation of our Lord Jesus. Let us strive to give our utmost to be agrace to others and an inspiration to all to seek the Lord. Christmasis more than a custom or a traditional solemnity with candles anddecorations. Christmas is the acceptance of the Lord and His Mother.This message knocks on our hearts as on the doors of Bethlehem whichremain closed to this very day. Let us open our hearts through, prayer,fasting, good works and holiness of life. Without Jesus there is noChristmas. Without His Mother there is no Christmas or His gifts. Letus open ourselves and others to those gifts.This month we will pray for the following intentions:1. For all our Christian families that in this Advent they may becomeopen to the Lord and His Mother through Dawn Masses, prayer, and the Sacraments. For all the families who are in conflict, who do notpray, and who do not live Christmas joy and hope.2. For all the Bishops and Priests. For all the missionaries and thosewho proclaim the Gospel to prepare the way to the Lord, and show itwith their lives.3. For the visionaries and for our Prayer Family scattered like theseed throughout so many countries and among so many nations – thatat this holy time they may bear rich fruit by living the messages ofthe Queen of Peace.Most beloved brothers and sisters, as I write these thoughts andreflect on these words of grace and inspiration from the message, Ipray for each of you, holding you in the great heart of the ImmaculateVirgin. May God’s grace and peace accompany you during these days. Ipray for each of you and send you my brotherly greetings as I recommendmyself to your prayers.
Most sincerely yours,Fr.Jozo Zovko, ofm.
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